MDRT Life Member is enrolled
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- What is MDRT -
Inaugurated in 1927, the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) has over 62,000 members (as of July 2017) active in more than 500 companies in 69 countries and regions, with outstanding life insurance and financial services It is an international and independent organization by experts.
MDRT members have outstanding product knowledge, meet stringent ethical standards, and offer excellent customer service. It is recognized worldwide as the highest level of life insurance and financial services industry.
Quoted from MDRT Japan Association official website
- MDRTとは -
1927年に発足した Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) は世界69の国と地域の500社以上で活躍する、62,000名以上(2017年7月現在)の会員を有する、卓越した生命保険と金融サービスの専門家による国際的かつ独立した組織です。
MDRT日本会 公式サイトより引用